Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Business & Communication Science Lecturer
Clara brings over three decades of extensive teaching experience across universities in both Indonesia and Australia. Her academic journey has been predominantly focused on the domains of education, language and literature, communication, culture, and the social sciences. Throughout her career, Clara has been honored with several distinguished scholarships, notably the John Crawford Scholarship and the Australia Award, which facilitated her pursuit of M.A. and Ph.D. from Macquarie University in Australia. Furthermore, she has garnered prestigious research awards from the Indonesian Government, exceeding a cumulative value of $100,000, attesting to her contributions to academia. Clara's scholarly portfolio is marked by the authorship of 14 influential books, as well as the publication of her research articles on a global scale. Her expertise has been acknowledged through numerous invitations to serve as a keynote speaker at prominent conferences in her fields of expertise. She is now an Associate Professor at the Department of Communication Universitas Pembangunan Jaya.
In addition to her academic accomplishments, Clara also serves as the commissioner of PT. Travel Prokes.
Intellectual Property Rights
Communication Science Lecturer
Pursued academic education in Communication Science at Airlangga University, Surabaya in 1998. Followed by a Master's degree in Communication Science at the University of Indonesia in 2009. Subsequently, completed a Doctoral program in Communication Science at the University of Indonesia in 2016. Interested in research in the field of inclusive media and communication studies. Also engaged in community service related to special needs education for children
Communication Science Lecturer
Having a keen interest in the academic field, particularly in communication science, Fathiya Nur Rahmi pursued her studies in Communication Science with a specialization in Public Relations at Padjadjaran University from 2013 to 2017 for her Bachelor's degree. She then continued her studies in Communication Science with a concentration in Public Relations at Padjadjaran University from 2018 to 2020 for her Master's degree.
Communication Science Lecturer
Born into a family of educators, Isti eventually pursued a career as an educator herself. She completed her Diploma in Communication Science at Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta, in 1998, her Bachelor's degree in Communication Science at Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, in 2007, and her Master's degree in Postgraduate Program at Pelita Harapan University, Jakarta, in 2015. Her career in the field of communication began as a video/TV program production training tutor and documentary director at the Audio Visual Studio of Puskat, Yogyakarta, in 1999. Her career as a communication lecturer began in 2009 at the School of Communication Sciences and Tarakanita Secretarial College, Jakarta. After completing her Master's degree, she started teaching as a part-time communication lecturer at several private universities in Jakarta and Tangerang until joining the Communication Science Study Program at UPJ as a permanent lecturer in 2020. Some of the courses she has taught include Interpersonal Communication, Communication Psychology, Broadcasting Fundamentals, Advertising, Introduction to Communication Technology, New Media and Society, Digital Videography, PR Media Production, Persuasive Communication, Communication Ethics and Philosophy, Journalism Law and Ethics, and Environmental Journalism.
Her research in the field of communication generally involves media and journalistic text analysis. Community service activities she has conducted include providing basic journalism training, basic cinematography training, and video program production training to several communities.
Head & Lecturer of Communication Science Department
Diving into the field of education since being entrusted as an Assistant Lecturer at STIKOM-LSPR Jakarta for approximately one year, the woman commonly called Bias fell in love with the process of learning and teaching. Bias was trusted to assist three lecturers for different courses: Media Relations, Media Production Workshop, and Investigative Reporting. During her undergraduate studies, she actively participated as a member of the London School Radio until she was entrusted to run broadcasting programs at PRambors Radio and RRI. During that time, Bias also actively studied Japanese and was selected as one of the participants in the JENESYS 2.0 student exchange program.
After graduating from the undergraduate program, she continued her career in the communication industry as a Social Media Specialist and later as a Business Development Manager at one of the non-formal education institutions in Jakarta. Additionally, she worked as a part-time lecturer at one of the Diploma 3 Education Academies in the Communication Science Study Program while pursuing her Master's degree in Communication Science until 2017. After completing her Master's program, she decided to focus on her career as a lecturer at Universitas Pembangunan Jaya in the Communication Science Study Program.
Communication Science Lecturer
Reni's research began as a team member to study virtual communities on social media, and to this day continues research related to communication issues occurring in urban communities related to new media. The fields of public relations and marketing communication continue to be pursued and developed in research.
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Secretary and Lecturer of Communication Science Department
Suci Marini Novianty is a lecturer and researcher in the Communication Science Program at the Universitas Pembangunan Jaya. She completed her undergraduate studies in the Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Gadjah Mada University in 2015, and later pursued her master's degree in Communication Studies at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia in 2018. Prior public communication consultant and social media researcher. Suci's research interests in the field of Communication Studies include new media communication, political communication, public communication, gender, and fan culture. She is also actively involved in research and community service activities.
Communication Science Lecturer
Bakti completed his degrees in International Relations from Padjadjaran University and International Communication from Macquarie University. Bakti has taught communication studies at university since 2019 and published several papers and one book chapter in the same area. Bakti also held certification for Public Speaking and he has presented at different occasions regarding public speaking and communication studies. Besides contributing to Communication study program, Bakti also managed public relations and cooperation matters for the university and external parties.
Putra, B. (2023.) ‘Family Communication in the ‘Old’ Film (2021): Interpersonal Perspective’. International Journal of Accounting, Economics, and Social Sciences, 1(6), pp. 954-965.
Putra, B. (2023). ‘Penulisan Proposal Bisnis’, in Susanto, A. (ed.) Komunikasi Bisnis. Padang: CV. Gita Lentera, pp. 29-38.
Putra, B. (2023). ‘Students’ Reception Towards Sexual Harassment Case of Gen-Z at a Private University in Depok’. International Journal of Accounting, Economics, and Social Sciences, 1(2), pp. 35-44.
Putra, B. (2022). ‘The Effectivity of Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication during Online Learning’. iTELL Conference Proceeding 2022, pp. 86-88.
Putra, B., Salsabila, A., Nabila, K., & Zakiah, R. (2022). ‘Peluang dan Tantangan Kebijakan Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka pada Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Pembangunan Jaya’. Edu Cendikia: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan, 2(1), pp. 6-13.
Putra, B. (2021). ‘The Depiction of African American Maids vs The White Socialites on The Help (2011)’. Journal of Education, Humaniora, and Social Sciences, 4(1), pp.28-36.
Putra, B. (2019). ‘International Cooperation in Higher Education and Technology Development’. GO SOUTH Proceeding 2019, p.167.
Communication Science Lecturer
Slamet Budiharjo, S.I.Kom., M.A., completed his undergraduate education in the Bachelor's Program (S1) at Mercu Buana University in Yogyakarta, majoring in Communication Science, and his graduate education in the Master's Program (S2) at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, majoring in Cultural and Media Studies. From 1997 to 2019, he was involved in the production of narrative and documentary films and served as a speaker/trainer in audiovisual production training at the Audio Visual Studio of Puskat Yogyakarta. Additionally, from 2016 to 2023, he worked in video production, conducted workshops on audiovisual media production, and taught at several campuses in Yogyakarta.
Communication Science Lecturer
Dr. Ronald Maraden Parlindungan Silalahi, S.S., M.Hum. a lecturer at Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, holds a doctoral and master's degree in Humanities Studies. His academic work, which has been published in reputable international journals, has been presented at various national and international congresses. Dr. Silalahi has received awards at international seminars, including the Ontario International Development Agency, UHAMKA International Conference on ELT and CALL, and Asia-Pacific Research in Social Sciences and Humanities. Furthermore, he is active as an editorial member and reviewer in reputable national and international journals and has received several research grants, such as the Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant, the Publication Grant for International Indexed Final Assignments for Students (PITTA), Funding for Independent Learning Policy Research Campus Freedom, and Community Service Based on the Results of Research from Private Universities. With research interests spanning Micro and Macro Linguistics as well as Discourse Studies, Silalahi continues to contribute to academic literature both nationally and internationally.
Communication Science Lecturer
Ratna Puspita, S.Sos, M.Si, is a dedicated academic who serves as a lecturer in the Communication Science Program at Universitas Pembangunan Jaya. With a Bachelor's degree (S1) in Communication Science from IISIP Jakarta in 2006 and a Master's degree (S2) in Communication Science from the University of Indonesia in 2015, Ratna has expanded her knowledge in the field of communication, particularly in online journalism and digital audiences. As a professional journalist for sixteen years, Ratna has rich experience in covering various topics, ranging from urban affairs to politics. Since starting her career as a lecturer in 2016, Ratna has demonstrated her dedication to education, teaching courses related to journalism and conducting research in various aspects of digital communication. Additionally, she is actively involved in community service, especially in enhancing communication literacy across different segments of society
Communication Science Lecturer
Shenthya Winarty, M.Ikom, started her career journey as a teacher at the age of 22 in a vocational high school in Jakarta. With a profound interest in visual communication and cyber culture, Shenthya pursued education with a concentration in media industry and business, deepening her love for the world of communication and education. Before entering the education field, she gained valuable experience as a videographer and editor for several prominent YouTubers in Indonesia. Her experience in the creative industry inspired her to share knowledge and insights with the younger generation through education. The combination of practical experience in the creative industry and strong academic knowledge makes Shenthya an inspirational figure aspiring to make a meaningful impact in the academic environment
Communication Science Lecturer
Fasya Syifa Mutma, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom completed her bachelor's degree in Communication Science at Universitas Pembangunan Jaya (UPJ), actively involved in various extracurricular activities. Her dedication to maintaining strong academic records, coupled with her involvement in organizational activities, paved the way for her to graduate with honors (Cum Laude) and receive recognition for her outstanding academic achievements. After gaining valuable experience in Business Development at a startup company, Fasya pursued her passion for education by returning to UPJ as a staff member while pursuing a master's degree in Strategic Corporate Communication at the London School of Public Relations (Jakarta), graduating with honors (Cum Laude). Now, as a dedicated educator, she imparts her knowledge in public relations, event management, environmental communication, and public speaking, and contributes to research and community service at UPJ. Fasya's commitment to academic excellence and her leadership roles, including serving as the Chair of the UPJ Alumni Association, affirm her contributions both in the academic and professional spheres.